Everyday Fantasy Bouquet

A vibrant bouquet – filled with carnations, snap dragons, mini gerbera, statice, roses and delphinium – that will bring a spark of color to your day!

Minimum order for delivery is $50 (you can have multiple bouquets per order). Orders must be placed by 12:00 P.M. in the recipient’s time zone to qualify for same-day delivery. Any orders placed after that time will be delivered on the next day.



Available in a wide variety of colors, our Everyday Fantasy bouquet is the perfect gift to make someone’s day. Transform the ordinary into extraordinary with this tasteful mix of carnations, snap dragons, mini gerbera, statice, roses and delphinium.



When your flowers arrive at their destination, they may look a bit thirsty. Here are some tips to help hydrate and care for your flowers, so they can bloom to their fullest potential and last as long as possible.

  1. Unpack your flowers immediately
  2. Fill a clean vase with fresh, cool water
  3. Using sharp scissors or garden shears, make a 45-degree angle cut at least 1-2 inches off the end of the stems
  4. Arrange the flowers in the vase as desired
  5. Allow the flowers to hydrate for 1-2 hours
  6. Remove any foliage that falls below the waterline of your container. Leaves will rot and cause bacteria to form and shorten the flower’s life.
  7. Re-cut the stems and refresh the flower food and water every two days.
  8. Do not place flowers in direct sunlight or near fruits, heat and drafts.
  9. Remove wilting flowers as they appear, to prevent bacterial growth.



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